Thursday, July 29, 2010

The End is Only the Beginning

This is hopefully the beginning of something that is updated often not just once a month or something, but most of the reason for doing this is 1) for my friends whom want to know updates of what is going on in my life since I will be away. 2) So I can get my thoughts down and be able to go back and see what was going on. 3) To join this rad new thing called blogging.
As some or most of you who will be reading this know that I' am not going to be attending the wonderful Cedarville University this fall, but doing an internship at a Christian camp in North Dakota called Cooperstown Bible Camp! I know this is very much out of the norm for a sophomore in college to do, but God has clearly shut doors and swung wide open others for me to come here such as answering a prayer about pushing me outside my my two big idols in my life comfort and social relationship (which I will talk about later). Other ways were my parents unbelievable on board for me to do this quickly, God working out finical resources and such for this internship and finally God letting this be available for me to use as my internship for my Comprehensive Bible major at CU.
So before I go into that anymore what I have been doing for the past two months is something I love and the reason why I am even doing this internship which is CAMP! I worked at Scioto Hills Christian Camp for the 5th summer and had a counselor position for the junior high campers! Now this is very different from any of the years past because I was never a counselor, but something more like a Ad Tech (ropes person) or Ground Staff. I remember praying way way in the beginning of the summer possibly still in May that God would break me this summer and I think I knew He would, but not so much in the way He did. The first two weeks of camp were rough and a new experience and tough in some ways but not unbearable, but before the third week of campers and the weekend before our high school week, which calls for more emotional effort and challenge. I was about to leave church and a friend said to call my parents now with a worried look on her face and I found out my grandfather which I didn't know the best but enough to love and to worry about was in he hospital dying basically. I didn't really know how to feel except to start weeping(which I don't all really) and thankfully I had some of my great church family with me and my wonderful girlfriend Abby and great brother Ben. That night though I did not know how I would go on for the upcoming week. How could I be expected to worry about campers when my grandfather whom I' am pretty sure doesn't know the Lord is dying in the hospital. After much prayer and talking with God the next morning I woke with a joy and happiness in my heart that I cannot explain except that it was God. I found through all this and learned that God will provide and give you strength you need through trials and nothing more that I can handle, even when I don't think I can do it.
From then on the summer was tough and I was emotionally drained and really it was Christ who picked me up out of bed every morning and and made my body move! Family Camp came along which was the last week of camp for the whole summer and I had a great time playing with families and becoming attached to this little girl named Erin and her brother Lance! God used them to encourage me and let me have a little week worth glimpse of fatherhood(to a very small extent).
The camp staff then departed for Pigeon Forge, Tenn. for a little rest and relaxation and I was able to start recovering from a sinus infection and other tiredness sickness just plain exhaustion. Had fun tubing, and sleeping in, and eating out at nice restaurants for the first time this summer! Now I' am home continuing the rest and relaxation, but also preparing for North Dakota in two weeks! Sorry I didn't expound on my idols, but maybe thats for another time. I believe this is probably a good prologue for this next year!


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